
网友投稿 224 2022-09-05



​​Graph Theory(图论)​​​​Graphs: Useful Concepts(图:有用的概念)​​​​Walks and connectedness(走法和连通性)​​

Graph Theory(图论)

Definition 5.1. Intuitively, a graph is just a way of modeling a collection of objects and the connections between them.


Definition 5.2. A simple undirected loopless graph G consists oftwo things: a collection V of vertices, and another collection E ofedges, which we think of as distinct unordered pairs of distinct elementsin V . think of the vertices in a graph as the objects we’re studying, and the edges in a graph as a way to describe how those objects areconnected. describe an edge connecting a pair of vertices a, b in our graph G, weuse our set language from earlier and write this as {a, b}. We say thata and b are the endpoints of the edge {a, b} when this happens.

一个简单的无向无环图G由两部分组成:顶点的集合V,和边的集合E,我们认为它们是V中不同元素的不同的无序对。我们把图中的顶点看作是我们正在研究的对象,而图中的边则是描述这些对象之间如何连接的一种方式。 为了描述图G中连接顶点对a, b的一条边,我们使用之前的集合语言,将其写成{a, b}。我们说a和b是边{a, b}的端点。



Definition 5.3. A simple graph with loops is just like a simple graphG, except we no longer require the pairs of elements in E to be distinct;that is, we can have things like {v, v} ∈ E. multigraph is a simple graph, except we allow ourselves to repeatedges in E multiple times; i.e. we could have three distinct edges e1, e2, e3 ∈E with each equal to the same pair {x, y}.A directed graph is a simple graph, except we think of our edges asordered pairs: i.e. we have things like x → y ∈ E, not {x, y}.You can mix-and-match these definitions: you can have a directed graphwith loops, or a multigraph with loops but not directions, or pretty muchanything else you’d want!

​​带有循环的简单图​​就像简单图G一样,只是我们不再要求E中的元素对是不同的;也就是说,我们可以有{v, v}∈E。

​​多重图​​是一个简单的图,除了我们允许我们自己多次重复E中的边;也就是说,我们有三条不同的边e1 e2 e3∈E和每一个都等于相同的一对{x, y}。

一个​​有向图​​是一个简单的图,除了我们认为我们的边是有序对:例如,我们有x→y∈E,而不是{x, y}。




Definition 5.4. The complete graph on n vertices Kn is defined forany positive integer n as follows: take n vertices., take every possible pair of distinct vertices, and connect them with an edge! We drawseveral examples at right. this sense, a complete graph is a graph in which we have as manyedges as is possible for a graph on n vertices.

对于任意正整数n, n个顶点上的完整图Kn定义如下:取n个顶点。现在,取每一对可能的不同顶点,并将它们与一条边连接起来!



Definition 5.6. The cycle graph on n vertices Cn is defined for anyinteger n ≥ 3 as follows: take n vertices, and label them 1, 2, . . . n.,draw edges {1, 2},{2, 3}, . . . until you get to the last edge {n− 1, n}; thenconnect this up into a closed cycle by drawing {n, 1} as an edge as well.

对于任意n≥3的整数,定义n个顶点Cn上的循环图如下:取n个顶点,标为1,2,…n.现在,绘制边{1,2},{2,3},…直到最后一条边{n−1,n};然后将其连接成一个闭合循环,将{n, 1}也画成一条边。


Graphs: Useful Concepts(图:有用的概念)

Definition 5.7. Take a graph G. say that two vertices a, b in G areadjacent if the edge {a, b} is in G. say that a and b are neighborsif they are adjacent.

以一个图G为例,如果边{a, b}在G中,我们说G中的两个顶点a, b是相邻的,我们可以说a,b两个顶点是neighbors

Definition 5.8. Take a graph G, and a vertex v in G. say that thedegree of v, written deg(v), is the number of edges that contain v as anendpoint.




Claim 5.1. (The “degree-sum formula,” or “handshaking theorem.”)Take any graph G., the sum of the degrees of all of the vertices inG is always two times the number of edges in G.


Claim 5.2. You cannot have a graph on seven vertices in which thedegree of every vertex is 3.


Walks and connectedness(走法和连通性)

Definition 5.9. In a graph G, we define a walk of length n as anysequence of n edges from G of the form{v0, v1}, {v1, v2}, {v2, v3}, . . . , {vn−1, vn}.We say that this walk starts at v0 and ends at vn. say that a walk is a circuit or closed walk if it starts where it ends;i.e. if v0 = vn. say that a walk is a path if it does not repeat any vertices, with thefollowing exception: if the first and last vertex of path are the same andall of the others are distinct, we allow this to be a path as well. thislast case, we call our walk a cycle. often describe a walk by just listing its vertices in order: i.e.v0 → v1 → v2 → . . . → vn−1 → vnis a valid way to describe a walk.


对于: {v0, v1}, {v1, v2}, {v2, v3}, . . . , {vn−1, vn}.

这段路程从v0开始,到vn结束。 如果步行从终点开始,我们就称其为环行或封闭的步行;即如果v0 = vn。 我们说一次行走是一条路径,如果它没有重复任何顶点,除了以下的例外:如果路径的第一个和最后一个顶点是相同的,并且所有其他的顶点是不同的,我们允许它也是一条路径。在最后一种情况下,我们称之为步行周期。

我们经常通过按顺序列出它的顶点来描述一次行走。 v0→v1→v2→…→vn−1→vn是描述步行的有效方法。


Definition 5.10. Given a graph G, we say that G is connected if forevery pair of vertices a, b in G, there is a path from a to b in G.

给定一个图G,如果对于G中的每一对顶点a, b,在G中有一条从a到b的路径,我们说G是连通的,

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