POJ 3469:Dual Core CPU (最大流)

网友投稿 331 2022-08-30

POJ 3469:Dual Core CPU (最大流)


As more and more computers are equipped with dual core CPU, SetagLilb, the Chief Technology Officer of TinySoft Corporation, decided to update their famous product - SWODNIW.The routine consists of N modules, and each of them should run in a certain core. The costs for all the routines to execute on two cores has been estimated. Let’s define them as Ai and Bi. Meanwhile, M pairs of modules need to do some data-exchange. If they are running on the same core, then the cost of this action can be ignored. Otherwise, some extra cost are needed. You should arrange wisely to minimize the total cost.


There are two integers in the first line of input data, N and M (1 ≤ N ≤ 20000, 1 ≤ M ≤ 200000) .The next N lines, each contains two integer, Ai and Bi.In the following M lines, each contains three integers: a, b, w. The meaning is that if module a and module b don’t execute on the same core, you should pay extra w dollars for the data-exchange between them.


Output only one integer, the minimum total cost.

Sample Input

3 11 102 1010 32 3 1000

Sample Output










#include#include#include#include#includeusing namespace std;const int MAXN = 200000;const int MAXM = 100000000;const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;struct edge{ int v,f; //边终点与当前流量 int next; //下一个兄弟位置} edge[MAXM];int n,m;int index;int head[MAXN];int level[MAXN];void init(){ index =0; memset(head,-1,sizeof(head));}void addedge(int u,int v,int f) //同时往图中添加原边与反向边{ edge[index].v=v; edge[index].f=f; edge[index].next=head[u]; head[u]=index++; edge[index].v=u; edge[index].f=0; edge[index].next=head[v]; head[v]=index++;}int bfs(int s,int t) //利用bfs搜索当前残量图中是否存在s到t的路径{ memset(level,0,sizeof(level)); //level为从源点到当前点的距离 level[s]=1; queueq; q.push(s); while(!q.empty()) { int x=q.front(); q.pop(); if(x==t)return 1; for(int e=head[x]; e!=-1; e=edge[e].next) //遍历所有与u临接的点 { int v=edge[e].v,f=edge[e].f; if(!level[v]&&f) { level[v]=level[x]+1; //广度优先搜索下一层距离源点比当前多1 q.push(v); } } } return 0;}int dfs(int s,int maxf,int t){ if(s==t)return maxf; //找到一条路径,返回当前路径中的最小流量 int ret=0; for(int e=head[s]; e!=-1; e=edge[e].next) //遍历s所有邻接的点 { int v=edge[e].v,f=edge[e].f; if(level[s]+1==level[v]&&f) //如果新点可达并且标号为允许弧 { int minn=min(maxf-ret,f); f=dfs(v,minn,t); edge[e].f-=f; edge[e^1].f+=f; ret+=f; if(ret==maxf)return ret; } } return ret;}int dinic(int s,int t){ int ans=0; while(bfs(s,t)) //先确定是否存在路径从s到t ans+=dfs(s,INF,t); // return ans;}int main(){ while(~scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)) { init(); int ai,bi,ci; for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) { scanf("%d%d",&ai,&bi); addedge(0,i,ai); addedge(i,n+1,bi); } for(int i=0; i

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下一篇:Python3 + django 支持 MySQL

