MySQL custom ringtones
Custom ringtones
using ALERT_INFO This is a little script that will you let personalize ringwave on a Snom phone and every phone that supports ALERT_INFO field ( i.e. Cisco phones ). You must place this script before the DIAL or QUEUE statement and it will choose the best ringwave for the type of call specified. It bases is search on a mysql table that contains a prefix for the callerid, a prefix for the called extension and the filename of the ringtone. when a call comes in this script matches the callerid and the called extension with the database. Keep in mind that it gives precedence basing on the maximum length of the best matching pattern but caller pattern has a 10x multiplier so it is 10 time more important the caller than the called extension. Let us see some examples: the table contains
cid_from | cid_to | ringwave |
external.wav | ||
8 | ||
internal.wav | ||
0 | 805 | myexternal.wav |
8 | 805 | myinternal.wav |
supposed that the local dialplan states that 8XX are local number everyone will have "external.wav" as ringtone for external calls and "internal.wav" BUT the 805 extension will have "myexternal.wav" for external calls and "myinternal.wav" for internal calls. you can be more and more precise adding more prefix for calls local to you city, your country and so on. the ringwaves must reside on a web server so that phones can download them as they need them. here is the script: exten => s-sound,1,MYSQL(Connect connid myhostname login password databasename) exten => s-sound,2,MySQL(Query resultid ${connid} SELECT/ ringwave/,CASE WHEN ISNULL(cid_from)/ then/ 0/ ELSE/ LENGTH(cid_from)*10/ END+CASE/ WHEN/ ISNULL(cid_to)/ then/ 0/ ELSE/ LENGTH(cid_to)/ END/ from/ ringer/ where/ (cid_from/ is/ NULL/ OR/ LEFT(/"${CALLERIDNUM}/"/,LENGTH(cid_from))=cid_from)/ AND/ (cid_to/ is/ NULL/ OR/ LEFT(/"${ARG1}/"/,LENGTH(cid_to))=cid_to)/ order/ by/ 2/ desc) exten => s-sound,3,Noop(result1 ${resultid}) exten => s-sound,4,GotoIf($[empty${resultid} = empty]?30:5) exten => s-sound,5,MYSQL(Fetch foundrow ${resultid} selectedringwave) exten => s-sound,6,Noop(foundrow ${foundrow}) exten => s-sound,7,GotoIf($["${foundrow}" = "1"]?100:30) exten => s-sound,30,SetVar(ALERT_INFO=${DEFAULT_SOUND)) exten => s-sound,31,Goto(s-sound,110) exten => s-sound,100,SetVar(ALERT_INFO= exten => s-sound,101,Goto(s-sound,110) exten => s-sound,110,MYSQL(Clear ${resultid} ) exten => s-sound,111,MYSQL(Disconnect ${connid}) exten => s-sound,112,Goto ( goto DIAL statement ) Here is the MySQL table needed: CREATE TABLE ringer ( cid_from char(20) default NULL, cid_to char(20) default NULL, ringwave char(20) default NULL ) ; have a nice ring. Eugenio
See also
Asterisk sip channelsAsterisk cmd dialAsterisk phone snom
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