[原创] NXP LPC5410x系列32位ARM MCU开发方案

网友投稿 305 2022-11-26

[原创] NXP LPC5410x系列32位ARM MCU开发方案

图1. LPC5410x框图


The LPCXpresso™ family of boards provides a powerful and flexible development system for NXP’s Cortex®-M family of MCUs. They can be used with a wide range of development tools, including the NXP’s LPCXpresso IDE. The LPCXpresso54102 board has been developed by NXP to enable evaluation of and prototyping with the LPC54100 family of MCUs, and is based on the LPC54102J512BD64 version of the MCU.

The LPCXpresso54102 on-board debug probe’s flash memory is pre-programmed to support the CMSIS-DAP protocol, or can be configured for DFU boot to use the Redlink protocol (optimized for LPCXpresso IDE). Alternatively, an external debug probe such as LPC-Link2 can be used by simply connecting it to the board via the P1 connector and powering the board via the secondary usb connector. The LPCXpresso54102 board can be used with development tools from NXP partners including Atollic, Keil, IAR, Mentor Graphics and Rowley using the CMSIS-DAP protocol option. Refer to our partners for details on using their tools with the board.

LPCXpresso54102 is fully supported by the free LPCOpen Software Development Platform for NXP Microcontrollers, which provides drivers and examples in source code for rapid product development.


On-board high-speed USB based debug probe with CMSIS-DAP and Redlink protocol support, can debug the on-board LPC54102 or an external target

External debug probe option

Tri-color LED, target Reset, ISP & WAKE buttons for easy testing of software functionality

Expansion options based on Arduino UNO and Pmod™, plus additional expansion port pins

On-board 1.8 V and 3.3 V regulators plus external power supply option

Built-in MCU power consumption and supply voltage measurement

UART, I²C and SPI port bridging from LPC54102 target to USB via the on-board debug probe

FTDI UART connector

Fully supported by LPCXpresso Eclipse-based IDE and GNU C/C++ toolchain, available in free and Pro versions

图2. LPCXpresso54102评估板外形图

图3. LPCXpresso54102评估板主要元件布局图

图4. LPCXpresso54102评估板电路图(1)

图5. LPCXpresso54102评估板电路图(2)

图6. LPCXpresso54102评估板电路图(3)

图7. LPCXpresso54102评估板电路图(4)

图8. LPCXpresso54102评估板电路图(5)

图9. LPCXpresso54102评估板电路图(6)





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