
网友投稿 365 2022-11-20




题目中提到的“书本”,均是指《DMBOK 2nd中英双语对照版 v0.9》

​046、Who is most responsible for communicating and promoting awareness on the value of Data Governance in the organization?​


A. Data Champions


B. The Data Governance Office


C. Data Owners Stewards


D. Everyone in the Data Management Community


E. The Data Governance Council



​047、When defining your business continuity plan, which of the following should one  consider doing?​


A. Make sure that the data is retained sufficiently long, check that critical data is encrypted, check access rights


B. Consider written policies and procedures, impact mitigating measures, required recovery time and acceptable amount of disruption, the criticality of the documents


C. Write a report and discuss with management the required budget


D. Have the contracts in place to acquire new hardware in case of technical problems, define policies


E. Determine the risk, probability and impact, check document backup frequency


​048、All of the following are TRUE statements on relationship types except:​


A. A recursive relationship relates instances of an entity to other instances of the same entity.


B. A one-to-one relationship says that a parent entity may have one and only one child entity.


C. A one-to-many relationship says that a child entity may have one or more parent entities.


D. A one-to-many relationship says that a parent entity may have one or more child entities.


E. A many-to-many relationship says that an instance of each entity may be associated with many instances of the other entity, and vice versa.


​049、What is the difference between cardinality rules and data integrity rules?​


A. Cardinality rules define the quantity of each entity instance that can participate in a relationship between two entities and referential integrity rules ensure valid values.


B. Referential integrity rules define the quantity of each entity instance that can participate in a relationship between two entities and cardinality rules ensure valid values.


C. There is no difference. Cardinality rules and Referential integrity rules are synonyms.


D. Referential integrity rules only appear on a relational data model and cardinality rules only appear on a dimensional data model.


E. Referential integrity rules quantify the relationships between two or more entities and cardinality rules quantify the common attributes across entities.


​050、In a non-identifying relationship​


A. The foreign key of the parent entity migrates to the child entity


B. The primary key of the parent entity becomes part of the primary key of the child entity


C. The primary key of the parent entity becomes a foreign key in the child entity


D. The primary key of the child entity is concatenated


E. The primary key of the child entity is removed


正确答案:C题目解释:这里有两个概念,非标识关系,标识关系,这里先作概述,详细的请等待视频对建模做完整性介绍标非识关系:一般用于联合主键才能标识实体记录的唯一性标识关系:不需要联合主键,也能标识实体记录的唯一性,本文048题,就是标识关系其实现在的数据库设计中,特别是计算机硬件便宜了之后,几乎见不到联合主键的情况,用联合主键只是为了节省一个代理键(surrogate keys,自增长ID或GUID等,ID无意义,只是作为唯一标识,所以才叫代理键)字段的存储空间,没有这个必要性这一题的答案跟48题是一样的,只是换了一表述,请本试卷参阅48题也就父实体与子实体是一对多的关系(一个老爸有多个儿子),主外键我也在48题举例了

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