Jenkins 流水线语法 04 agent/post

网友投稿 274 2022-09-13

Jenkins 流水线语法 04 agent/post

agent 构建节点


any: 运行在任一可用节点。none:当pipeline全局指定agent为none,则根据每个stage中定义的agent运行(stage必须指定)。label:在指定的标签的节点运行。(标签=分组)node:支持自定义流水线的工作目录。

## 一pipeline { agent any}## 二pipeline { agent { label "label Name" }}## 三 自定义节点,加上node有一些高级的特性,比如自定义工作目录pipeline { agent { node { label "labelName", customWorkspace "/opt/agent/workspace" } }}Running on build-01 in /data/cicd/jenkinsagent/workspace/devops-maven-service

pipeline { agent {label "build"} stages { stage('Hello') { steps { script{ echo "The branch name is ${branchName}" #这里变量是参数构建 sh "echo the job name is ${JOB_NAME}" } } } }}Started by user adminRunning in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline[Pipeline] nodeRunning on build-01 in /data/cicd/jenkinsagent/workspace/pipeline-test[Pipeline] {[Pipeline] stage (hide)[Pipeline] { (Hello)[Pipeline] script[Pipeline] {[Pipeline] echoThe branch name is master[Pipeline] sh+ echo the job name is pipeline-testthe job name is pipeline-test[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // script[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // stage[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // node[Pipeline] End of PipelineFinished: SUCCESS

post 构建后操作

定义: 根据流水线的最终状态匹配后做一些操作。


always: 不管什么状态总是执行success: 仅流水线成功后执行failure: 仅流水线失败后执行aborted: 仅流水线被取消后执行unstable:不稳定状态,单侧失败等等





在post always里面可以清理项目的空间,比如删除workspace的空间,在always里面的sript里面加入shell清理worksapce空间

pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Hello') { steps { script{ echo "The branch name is ${branchName}" sh "echo the job name is ${JOB_NAME}" } } post{ always{ script{ echo "stage always.........." } } } } }post { always{ script{ println("流水线结束后,经常做的事情") echo "The job status is ${currentBuild.currentResult}" } } success{ script{ println("流水线成功后,要做的事情") } } failure{ script{ println("流水线失败后,要做的事情") } } aborted{ script{ println("流水线取消后,要做的事情") } } }}Started by user adminRunning in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline[Pipeline] nodeRunning on Jenkins in /var/jenkins_home/workspace/pipeline-test[Pipeline] {[Pipeline] stage[Pipeline] { (Hello)[Pipeline] script[Pipeline] {[Pipeline] echoThe branch name is master[Pipeline] sh+ echo the job name is pipeline-testthe job name is pipeline-test[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // scriptPost stage[Pipeline] script[Pipeline] {[Pipeline] echostage always..........[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // script[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // stage[Pipeline] stage[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)[Pipeline] script[Pipeline] {[Pipeline] echo流水线结束后,经常做的事情[Pipeline] echoThe job status is SUCCESS[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // script[Pipeline] script[Pipeline] {[Pipeline] echo流水线成功后,要做的事情[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // script[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // stage[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // node[Pipeline] End of PipelineFinished: SUCCESS

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上一篇:Kubernetes API Server 准入控制插件 / 资源限制 ResourceQuota

